The Civil War
and Morgan's Raid
From "Stories of Guernsey County, Ohio;: History of an
average Ohio county," William G Wolfe. |
For the
newspaper account of the raid, see
Appendix E-1
For General
Shackelford’s report, see
Appendix E-2 |
For any
eyewitness account of the skirmish at Old
Washington, see Appendix E-3 |
For the claims for
damages that were turned in after the raid, see
Appendix E-4 |
Guernsey County history, the Civil War and Morgan’s Raid are
just about synonymous terms.
for Morgan’s Raid, the Civil War history of Guernsey County
would be no different from that of the 87 other counties in
Ohio. We furnished many men to the Union Army, most of them
fought in the Western Theater of operations under Generals
Grant and Sherman, and many of them were killed and wounded.
Wolfe lists 166 men as having died in the war, but also
states that there were probably many more. After the war,
there would have been literally hundreds of men in Guernsey
County who were missing an arm, a leg, a hand, etc. For
years afterward, even, men would die from the effects of
their wounds, or disease brought on by the hardships and
exposures to which they were subjected during the war.
Guernsey County did not furnish any generals on the Union
side, but we did furnish a Confederate general! He was
General Walter P. Lane, and he was from the Fairview area.
He had gone to Texas as a very young man, fought at the
battle of San Jacinto, took part in the Mexican War, and was
still living in Texas when the Civil War broke out. He
became a Brigadier General for the Confederacy and took part
in several battles in the Trans-Mississippi area. Several
times prior to the Civil War, he had returned to Ohio for
brief visits with his relatives in eastern Guernsey County.
a doubt, however, the high point of the Civil War for the
residents of Guernsey County was Morgan’s Raid.
In the
summer of 1863 extremely important events were taking place
in the war. Gettysburg was fought on July 1st-3rd
and Vicksburg surrendered to Grant on July 4th.
Unnoticed among these great victories was the fact that
Confederate General John Hunt Morgan, with about 2,400
cavalrymen, crossed the Cumberland River in Kentucky and
began his famous raid. Passing north through Kentucky, he
crossed the Ohio River at Brandenburg, passed through
Southeastern Indiana and came into Ohio at Harrison, just
north of Cincinnati. Passing east through southern Ohio, he
fought a pretty severe battle at Buffington Bar, near
Pomeroy, as he tried to get back across the Ohio River.
Union gunboats prevented his crossing, and many of his men
were killed, wounded or captured in this battle. With only
about 700 men, he started to head northeast through Ohio,
and by the time he rode into Cumberland, in southwestern
Guernsey County, at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon of
Thursday, July 23rd, he is estimated to have had
600 men.
rested in Cumberland until 10 o’clock PM, then rode during
the night through Pleasant City, Buffalo and Senecaville. At
about dawn, he arrived at Lore City (called Campbell’s
Station in those days), and there he did the most damage
that was done by him in Guernsey County. He burned the
warehouse and home of S.W. Fordyce, three railroad cars, and
the bridge over Leatherwood Creek. He then passed on to Old
Washington, where he arrived at about 10 o’clock AM. Resting
there until 1 o’clock PM, he was suddenly attacked by Union
cavalrymen under General James M. Shackelford, who had been
pursuing him all across Ohio. The Union troops fired into
the town from the cemetery hill just to the south, and drove
Morgan out of Washington, on the road to Winterset. Morgan
passed through Winterset, still heading north, then he
turned east to Antrim, and left the county by way of
Londonderry and Smyrna. Two days later he was captured with
his 335 remaining men not far from East Liverpool. During
the skirmish at Old Washington, he had three men killed, and
they are buried in the Old Washington cemetery. In his
passage through the county, there was a lot of horse
swapping going on, for he needed fresh horses to keep ahead
of the Union cavalry that was pursuing him. They, too,
needed fresh horses, and so a lot of farmers who thought
that they had saved their horses from Morgan ended up losing
them to the Union cavalry that came along a few hours after
Morgan had left. Claims for these losses, and any other
losses sustained by our citizens due to the actions of
either army during the raid, totaling more than $35,000 were
later turned in and most of them allowed.
no one knew for sure where Morgan would go next, farmers all
over the county were hiding their horses in the hollow,
along with their silver, and anything else of value. It must
have been a very exciting time for the entire county, but
especially for those who were actually in the path of the
raid and saw hundreds of real, live Confederates with guns
in their hands, followed by more hundreds of real, live
Union soldiers, also with guns. Never again would they see
such a sight.

of Morgan's Raid into Washington, Ohio as it appeared on the
front page of
Harper's Weekly on
Saturday, August 15, 1863. |
Newspaper account of
Morgan’s Raid – Cambridge Times, July 30, 1863
Morgan, with the remnant of a band composed of the most
villainous cut-throats and scoundrels, the sweepings and
accumulations of two years of murdering and plundering among
helpless people, amounting in number to probably six
hundred, found his way into this county on Thursday, the 22nd
[23rd] inst., and entered the town of Cumberland
about 3 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. As usual,
his pickets were thrown out, and the work of insult and
plunder commenced.
stores of Colonel Squier and Mr. Holmes, respected citizens
of that place, were plundered of clothing and such articles
as they seemed to need. Colonel Squier lost about four
hundred dollars worth of goods, and Mr. Holmes about three
hundred dollars worth. From Mr. Thomas Lindsey, one dirty
thief stole, or forcibly took, twenty-five dollars. After
robbing Lindsey, the Butternut asked him if he was a
Vallandigham man. Lindsey replied that he was not, but
instead was a good Union man. Butternut then proceeded to
electioneer for his friend Val., by telling him using a
considerable number of arguments to convince Lindsey that it
was his duty to vote for that glorious friend of the South
and its cause, Vallandigham.
In and
about Cumberland they succeeded in stealing about one
hundred good horses. While in town they quartered upon the
inhabitants, from whom they insolently demanded food or
whatever else they wished. They left Cumberland about eight
o’clock in the evening, after perpetrating all the devilment
they could, except burning the town and murdering the
next place they turned up was at Hartford, in Valley
township, which place they retired from with out doing any
material damage. We did learn that they robbed Mr. George
Miller, of Hartford, of one thousand five hundred dollars;
but as we have not heard it confirmed, presume it is not so.
Senecaville they made a short stay, stole numerous horses,
and took the road to Campbell’s Station. While at
Senecaville, we learn that one of the thieves entered a
stable belonging to a gentleman of that place, and with
drawn revolver, demanded a horse. The owner, instead of
giving him a horse, gave him a blow alongside of his head
with a club, which caused Mr. Secesh to give up all
intentions of dealing in horseflesh for the time being. Said
Butternut is now lodged in our jail.
the celebrated John was sojourning in Cumberland, a certain
Doctor, formerly hailing from the Hoskinsville region, and
of Hoskinsville proclivities had a horse confiscated by the
Morgan thieves. The doctor remonstrated against the
proceeding, and in the bill of exceptions set forth that he
had a patient that he must see and that was the only animal
he had to ride. Butternut sets forth in his answer that if
they said Doctor would give him seventy-five dollars, he
would surrender the horse. Whereupon the Doctor forked over
the amount, and when John and his thieves retired, the
Doctor’s horse also retired with a Butternut on his back,
and left the Doctor with a feeling of goneness in the pocket
and to mourn the untimely departure of his trusty pill
wasn’t the Doctor a little verdant?
Campbell’s Station, they were burned the warehouse and its
contents, belonging to Mr. John Fordyce, after robbing his
safe, containing, we learn, about four thousand dollars in
money, two thousand dollars of which belonged to Mr. Thomas
Frame; also the railroad bridge convenient, and three
freight cars loaded with tobacco, cut the telegraph wires
and started for Washington. Here they made a grand stand;
threw out their pickets, and prepared for war. We believe
they did no damage in Washington, at least we have heard of
none, except eating up what provisions the people had on
hand, and relieving them of a few horses. At this place,
General Shackleton [sic] came upon the thief with one
thousand Union cavalry, which caused him to skedaddle in
doublequick. A smart skirmish ensued at the edge of he town,
the rebels firing one volley and running, as usual. In this
skirmish, three rebels were wounded, two of whom are since
dead and the others expected to die. On the road from
Washington to Winchester the rebels made two more stands,
each for a few minutes, when they fled. During one of these
skirmishes, three rebels were captured. Near Winchester,
Colonel Wallace, with a few troops and one piece of
artillery joined General Shackleford.
rebels, after the last skirmish, succeeded in getting some
distance ahead of our forces, we failing to get in sight of
them again in this county.
appears, from conversations with eight of Morgan’s men, who
were captured, and are now in the county jail here, that the
scoundrels despaired of reaching home many days ago, and
that they roamed about without any definite object beyond a
very slight hope that they might find an unguarded crossing
on the Ohio river. They claim to have had plenty to eat, and
but little time to eat it, so hard were they constantly
pressed by our troops. They made it a point to take every
horse they met with that was of any value, and when they
stole a horse they generally turned loose some poor
tired-out animal. How many horses they stole in this county
we cannot possibly say, but as they stole all along the
route, they must have picked up a considerable number.
As John Morgan and his
band are now captured, the people can settle down and
content themselves with a least of hope that one
horse-thieving scoundrel and disturber of the peace of the
county, will get his just deserts. If our people don’t shoot
him for the raid, the rebel authorities will be sure to, if
they ever lay hands on him. He has wasted and destroyed, on
a fool’s errand, the best body of cavalry they had in their
service, and all to no purpose in the world. Such a
senseless expedition never started since the world began. He
has failed to perform a single achievement that is worth
thinking of a second time. |
Excerpt form the report of
Brig. Gen. James M. Shackelford concerning the skirmish at
Old Washington and the pursuit of Morgan’s Raiders through
our county.
With 500 men, on the morning of the 21st,
we resumed the chase. Traveling day and night, we came up
with the enemy on Friday morning, the 24th, at
Washington. Captain Ward, of the Third Kentucky Cavalry,
with his own company and a detachment of the First Kentucky,
under Adjutant Carpenter, had command of the advance,. He
drove in the rebel pickets, and, by a flank movement, drove
the entire rebel force out of the town of Washington,
killing and wounding several of the enemy. One mile east
[north] of Washington the enemy made a stand, in a dense
wood. We formed a line of battle, and soon drove him from
his position. He fell back 2 miles, tore up a bridge over a
rugged stream [Salt Fork], and took a position in the woods
on a high hill just beyond the bridge. The advance moved
upon his left flank, while a portion of the Fourteen
Illinois crossed the stream just above the bridge, and moved
up the hill in the face of a heavy fire from the enemy,
steadily they moved up and drove him before them. Late
Friday evening he burned two bridges over the Stillwater,
causing considerable delay. We succeeded in crossing, and
pressed on all night.
The Wolfe history, the newspaper account, and the above
report all mention two “stands” or skirmish that occurred as
the Raiders fled toward the Winchester [Winterset now]. The
map on the preceding page shows the approximate locations of
these skirmishes. The first occurred about one mile north of
Washington, and must have been on or near the property owed
by R.C. Purdum when this map was made in 1870. In 1863, this
property was owned by Archibald Shipley, and in the claims
turned in by the citizens for damages due to Morgan’s Raid
set forth in Appendix E-4 in the section on damages caused
by Union forces, Mr. Shipley listed “one ox shot during the
skirmish on the claimant’s farm.” The second skirmish
occurred where the road crossed Salt Fork. The Confederates
had taken position on the wooded hill just north of the
creek and the Union forces attacked them on their left
flank, and also directly up the hill. At the time of the
skirmish, Wm. Henry Hays owned the property on both sides of
the creek at that location, and he also turned in a claim
for damages to a horse, 12 acres of wheat and 10 acres of
meadow sustained as the result of a skirmish on his farm.
The wheat and the meadow were probably on the south side of
the creek, where the Union forces would have assembled prior
to their attack, for you will notice that there is a 22 acre
tract of land shown on the 1870 map in that location. This
land is level and is of the exact acreage of the total of
the damages to his crops. |
Elizabeth McMullin was sixteen years
old when Morgan came to Old Washington (simply called
Washington in those days). This is her account of the raid
as set forth in the Wolfe history.
We lived at the west end of town.
Father had gone to the war, and mother, my brother, two
sisters and I were left at home. On Thursday, July 23, we
heard that Morgan might come our way. Captain John Laughlin,
who lived south of town, was home on a furlough. He was a
telegraph operator and, in order to learn of Morgan’s
movements, he kept close to the instruments all day. The
people were advised by him to get ready, as it was his
opinion, from what he could gather from the wires, that the
rebels would take the road running through our town.
All had confidence in Captain Laughlin
and they acted on his advice. Valuables were concealed and
horses were hidden back in the woods far from roads. The
Guernsey Count Bank was in Washington then. Mr. Lawrence,
Mr. McCurdy and some others took all the money out of the
safe and carried it to Wheeling or safekeeping. It was a
busy day for everybody and that night nobody slept,
excepting the children.
The next morning we could see smoke in
the south. It was reported that Campbell’s Station had been
set on fire. We expected Washington to be burned, too.
Nearly all the men had gone to the war. Captain Laughlin
changed his army uniform to citizens’ clothes and with some
boys armed with guns went south to investigate. They soon
returned with the report that Morgan was coming. We were all
frightened. Captain Laughlin advised us to keep cool and
offer no resistance. Nearly all the town gathered at the
corner where the Campbell’s Station-Winchester (Winterset
now) road crossed the Pike (at the Colonial Inn).
Riding two abreast the rebels came up
the road. Rev. Ferguson, our Presbyterian minister, stepped
out in front and waved a white handkerchief. The rebels did
not pass through as we hoped, but dismounted and gathered
along the street. They entered homes and ordered dinners to
be prepared for them immediately. Morgan and his staff of
fourteen men went to the American Hotel kept by James Smith.
Rebel guards were placed around the town, two miles out on
all sides. Anybody could come in, but nobody was permitted
to go out.
Just before Morgan arrived Charlie
Simms came into town with the mail which he was carrying
form Cambridge to Wheeling. The sack was thrown out of the
bus and hidden. Charlie drove on but was captured and his
horses taken. Believing that the mail was concealed at the
post office the Confederates went there, took the sacks that
had been made up to be sent out, and rifled them. They
seemed to be looking for letters that might enlighten them
as to the movements of the Union army, rather than for
Morgan and his staff ordered dinner at
the hotel and Smiths called in some of us older girls to
help prepare it. I waited on the table. Morgan seemed very
tired and worried and talked but little during the meal.
After eating they all went upstairs and lay on their beds.
In the meantime , his soldiers, having eaten their dinners
and fed their horses, were lying along the streets from one
end of the town to the other. They were in Washington two or
three hours.
Captain Laughlin kept in communication
with General Shackleford who, with his cavalry, mounted
infantry and Ohio militia, was following Morgan. Suddenly a
gun was fired by one of the rebel guards as a signal that
Shackleford’s was near. Morgan and his staff immediately
rushed down the stairs and out into the street. The soldiers
ran to their horses, mounted them and headed for the
Winchester road. All was confusion.
Looking to the south we saw
Shackleford’s army gathering on Cemetery hill. We wondered
what would happen and we soon learned. They began firing at
the Confederates who, in turn, shot back. Women were
screaming and children were crying. The shooting increased.
Above the noise of battle we could hear voices coming from
the Federal lines, ordering women and children to run to
cellars. I ran into the one that was nearest, where twenty
or thirty other persons soon gathered.
The firing continued. They were
shooting across the town. The Union men were firing from the
south, the Confederates from the north. We could hear the
bullets whizzing over our heads and the crash of broken
windows. It was terrible, as we did not know what would
happen to us who were in the direct line of fire.
The shooting ceased and we ventured
out. Morgan’s men had gone towards Winchester and
Shackleford’s soldiers were sweeping across the town. They
seemed to be coming from everywhere, which was a great
relief to all of us. Two rebels lay dead in the streets and
others were wounded. Dead horses lay here and there and
others were so badly hurt they had to be killed.
Some of the Confederates were cut off
from Morgan’s main army and taken prisoners. They were
placed in the old academy building and guarded until the
next morning, when there were marched to Cambridge and
locked in the jail. They were afterwards taken to Columbus.
Some of us girls went into the room
that had been occupied by Morgan at the hotel and on the
bureau I found a picture of a young man. Some of the
Confederates who were held as prisoners over at the academy
said his name was William Cloud, Morgan’s physician. I have
the picture yet, a reminder of the most exciting day in the
history of Washington. |
APPENDIX E-4 - Coming Soon |